Blogging with hugo & netlify

Blogging with hugo & netlify

Here is a great tutorial on how to host hugo on netlify Other examples using the exact same theme: Tomas Westlake: Sascha Wolfer: Creating the hugo site In order to create a new hugo site simply go: hugo new site [path] [flags] Create a new repository via git init the git repo and push it to the guthub repo: echo "# website2" >> git init git add README.
Office Ribbons

Office Ribbons

I am an absolute fan of adapting your work environment to your needs. Spending an hour to set up some shortcuts is virtually always a good time investment. Then you can easily drag your most used commands into a new bar. You should be able to save a lot of time on, e.g. aligning objects in PowerPoint or sorting and filtering data in Excel. It is entirely up to you and the operations you use the most.
Coding the Matrix

Coding the Matrix

How to test the solutions python3 Lab 1: Introduction to Python—sets, lists, dictionaries, and comprehensions Python provides some simple data structures for grouping together multiple values, and integrates them with the rest of the language. These data structures are called collections. Sets A set is an unordered collection in which each value occurs at most once. You can use curly braces to give an expression whose value is a set.
Most useful git commands

Most useful git commands

Lifecycle of git The following figure shows the distinct areas of git. Knowing this concept is essential in order to understand git. Figure 1: The lifecycle of the status of your files This is an overview of the most common git commands. I strongly recommend knowing its basic and using it to anybody writing code, whether alone or particularly within a team. To get a quick theoretical introduction into the topics please have a look here: Getting Started - Git Basics
Conway's Law

Conway's Law

Many organizations have become adept at identifying what they need from software development projects, based on a keen understanding of their business goals. Even so, they’re often surprised to find out that the end results don’t achieve the transformative impact they were expecting. Their mistake? Overlooking the importance of Conway’s Law. In 1967, Melvin Conway coined a phrase at the end of his publication ‘How do committees invent?’ that was subsequently made popular by Fred Brooks in his book The Mythical Man-Month, where he dubbed it ‘Conway’s Law’, which states: