
Airbnb Knowledge Repo

Airbnb Knowledge Repo

The Knowledge Repo project is focused on facilitating the sharing of knowledge between data scientists and other technical roles using data formats and tools that make sense in these professions. It provides various data stores (and utilities to manage them) for “knowledge posts”, with a particular focus on notebooks (R Markdown and Jupyter / IPython Notebook) to better promote reproducible research. Source Tutorial: Activation Docker-compose-relevante Dateien in einen entsprechend autorisierten Zielfolder kopieren, in dem docker-compose-Befehle (vor allem “build“/“up“/“down“) auszuführen sind.
Data Science Austria

Data Science Austria

The last few months I set out to build up to build a news and event aggregator. You can see the work in progress here: Wordpress Plugins Here is a list of plugins that I use for the site grouped by the general overall purpose. The first one is a collection that I would generally recommend for any site, i.e. some ssl and security plugins. BackUpWordPress - automatic backup tool Cloudflare Flexible SSL - ssl encryption Really Simple SSL - ssl encryption WordPress HTTPS - ssl encryption Wordfence Security - additional security Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA (Google) - additional security GA Google Analytics - additional security The following are more specific and solve content problems.
Blogging with hugo & netlify

Blogging with hugo & netlify

Here is a great tutorial on how to host hugo on netlify Other examples using the exact same theme: Tomas Westlake: Sascha Wolfer: Creating the hugo site In order to create a new hugo site simply go: hugo new site [path] [flags] Create a new repository via git init the git repo and push it to the guthub repo: echo "# website2" >> git init git add README.